Friday, February 14, 2025

Rebecca O’Flaherty


Rebecca O’Flaherty

October 12, 1923-July 20, 2023

Rebecca O'Flaherty, age 99, of Cashmere, WA. passed away July 20, 2023, in Wenatchee, WA., On October 12, 1923, Rebecca was born to parents George O'Flaherty and Rose Wallace O'Flaherty in Okanogan, WA., and she joined a sister, Francis and brother, John.

In 1940 she met and married Jesse Roberts and they had four children, Jack, Dale, Sharon, and Wayne and later in 1955 met and married Brady Salyer and had a daughter, Rosemary.

For a number of years, she was a hard-working single mother providing for her family. Eventually she was a grandmother, great grandmother, and great, great grandmother to approximately 35 offspring.  Since she left high school after the 11th grade, she later completed her GED and attended several community colleges for advanced education. Prior to retirement she did a variety of jobs from waitress, dietitian, commercial cleaner to several clerk positions in different county courthouses. 

During retirement Becky kept active and enjoyed family (including nieces and nephews), friends, church, and activities with Senior Centers in Republic, WA., and Cashmere, WA., as well as Republic Red Hat Ladies group. Knitting, crocheting, and quilting also kept her busy. She was an avid reader and stayed physically active walking 1 to 2 miles a day up to about her last year of life. One of her highlights of retirement was a trip to Ireland. Rebecca was predeceased by her parents, sister and brother, and son, Wayne, Survivors include Jack Roberts of Cashmere, WA., Dale Roberts of Prescott, Arizona, Sharon Hotchkiss of Franklin, Tennessee and Rosemary Gallagher of Bainbridge, WA.